(650) 517-1400 Child Care Referrals: Online (650) 517-1460

San Mateo County has a child care shortage crisis affecting families’ economic opportunities, and children’s learning during critical development stages from birth to age 5.

Build Up For San Mateo County’s Children is a unified and coordinated countywide effort focused solely on the development and sustainability of child care and preschool facilities in San Mateo County.

Build Up For San Mateo County's Children

  • Works with cities and the county to include child care in their general plans, review permitting and zoning policies and prioritize inclusion of child care in future developments.
  • Collaborates with local and state representatives who support the issue
  • Reuse/re-designates existing space: Work across sectors – school districts, the county, businesses, municipal government, etc. – to identify and prioritize unused existing space
  • Provide child care through large employers: Provide technical assistance to employers interested in providing on-site child care to their employees
  • Generate revenue for facility development: Pursue local tax measures) and assist child care providers in drawing down funds from already established funds