(650) 517-1400 Child Care Referrals: Online (650) 517-1460

April 11, 2020 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Girls Club of Mid-Peninsula
2400 Ralmar Ave. East Palo Alto
CA 94303
This is a series of 6 sessions to prepare you to have a successful Family Child Care Business.

Participants are encouraged to attend all six sessions but some exceptions can be made with prior notice. Light breakfast is included. Lunch and Childcare will not be included.

Session six will inform you of all the details you need to know to elevate your business. Topics that will be covered are as follows:
  • Understanding Resources & Referral Programs: Basic overview of the 4Cs database. My Child Care Plan, including the benefits of opting in to be part of the database on what we will collect so you will be prepared to fill out the intake forms to be activated into our database. Describe the difference between R&R Database and Subsidy.
  • Maintaining Records: Talk about mandatory documentation that need to be maintained to follow Community Care Licensing Department regulations.
  • Hiring Assistants: Strategies and techniques to hire assistants that are qualified to care for the children in your care.

To register or if you have any questions, please contact Leslit Tapia at 650-517-1446 or