330 Twin Dolphin Dr
Redwood City, CA 94065
4Cs will be providing transportation to the State Capitol for Stand for Children Day. Food will also be provided. The bus will leave from 4Cs at 7:15 AM and arrive at the state capitol by 10:00 for Stand for Children Day. We will leave at 3:00 to head back to 4Cs.
Who: Parents, children, and child care supporters
What: Spirited March, Rally, and Legislative Visits
Where: State Capitol
North Steps (L Street side)
10:00am to 2:00pm
Why: To display our powerful, collective commitment to our children through advocacy, testimony, and celebration
For more information contact: Laura Agostini 650-517-1446 or lagostini@sanmateo4cs.org
Para mas informacion contacte: Angela Cabrera 650-517-1430 O acabrera@sanmateo4cs.org