This class is part of Community Care Licensing’s 16-hour requirement for licensing, child Approved and Certified by EMSA. Providers must repeat the Pediatric CPR class every two (2) years to maintain – First and Last Name – Job Title – Phone Number – Home Address – E-mail Address – Workforce Registry (if available)
In consideration of the other participants and the instructor, children are not allowed in class. Space is limited, register soon. Please pack a snack or lunch. Please note: A minimum of 4 participants is needed to teach the class. If less than 4 register, the class will be cancelled. Please register early to help us avoid the need to cancel the class. Please make the check (preferable payment) payable to: 4Cs or cash is fine as well. When: March 21st, 2025 Where: 330 Twin Dolphin Drive Redwood City, CA. 94065 (Bay Room) Time: 9:30 AM- 4:30 PM (In person) 5:30PM- 6:30 PM (By Zoom) Cost: $100 Counts as 8 hours of Professional Development For registration, please e-mail the following information to Mishel Rivera at: