(650) 517-1400 Child Care Referrals: Online (650) 517-1460

April 29, 2014 @ 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
San Mateo County Office of Education
101 Twin Dolphin Drive
Redwood City, CA 94065
Doreen Bonilla

This workshop is ideal for those who want to gain in-depth knowledge about the CLASS measures and to develop a CLASS Lens used to observe and assess the quality of early childhood teacher child interactions. CLASS Reliability Testing will be included in the workshop to prepare participants for conducting CLASS Assessments. Upon completion of receiving CLASS Reliability Certification participants would have the option of applying to be considered as part of an assessor pool for current regional initiatives.


Topics Covered:

  • In depth discussion about each of the CLASS Domains (Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, Instructional Support
  • Develop observation and coding skills to understand and gain knowledge of the CLASS assessment process.

Participants Receive:

  • Classroom Assessment Scoring System Pre-K Manual
  • Online myCLASS account
  • Video library subscription
  • Online reliability testing with automated feedback, and performance report
  • CLASS Observer Certificate and Certification Card (once you’ve passed reliability test)


Please Note: Applying to become part of an assessor pool would require additional planning meetings, as well as taking a role in conducting local and regional assessments.  Peer review and co-observation would be activities used support validity of assessments.